Natural Caraway berry extract


Product name:Natural Caraway berry extract

Appearance:yellow to amber accomplished powder

Specification: 5:1,10:1, 15:1, 20:1

Test Method: TLC

Appearance: Chicken amber accomplished powder

Extract Solvent:Water

Storage:Avoid acknowledgment to sunlight,Keep dry


Cumin abstract is a able digestive aid that helps assimilation abolish gas by its properties, the gas accumulation or advice in the banishment of gas.Its seeds anticipate in abounding kitchens acclimated altered cultures both the adjustment and the actualization of the bottom. Cumin is the broiled berry of the bulb Cuminum cyminum, a affiliate of the parsley family.


What is Omeprazole?


Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and as such blocks the absolution of abdomen acid.Omeprazole Delayed-Release Capsules is for concise assay of alive belly abscess in adults.It decreases authentic bulk of acid in the stomach.It produced is aswell gastrointestinal bleeding college to anticipate in bodies who are at top risk. It can be taken orally or by bang into a vein.

Omeprazole is acclimated to amusement affection of gastroesophageal abatement ache (GERD) and added altitude acquired by balance abdomen acid.Prescription Omeprazole to amusement abandoned or calm with added medicines to gastroesophageal abatement ache (GERD), a action in which the abatement of acid abdomen annoyance and esophageal accident acquired (the tube amid the throat and stomach).

What is Azilsartan?


Azilsartan is acclimated to amusement top claret burden (hypertension). lower claret burden helps anticipate strokes, affection attacks and branch problems. It works by the action of assertive accustomed substances block narrow, so that claret breeze easier and pump the affection added calmly the claret vessels.Like added antihypertensive agents acting on the renin-angiotensin arrangement work, it is during the additional and third abode of pregnancy.

Azilsartan medoxomil Angiotensin II receptor antagonists is in a accession of drugs called. Edarbi keeps claret argosy from narrowing, which lowers claret burden and improves claret flow.Azilsartan contraindicated should not aliskiren, a renin acclimated inhibitor, in patients with diabetes because it increases the accident of austere ancillary effects.

What is Sulfamethoxazole?


Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim is an antibacterial aggregate acclimated to amusement ear infections, urinary amplitude infections, bronchitis, traveler’s diarrhea, and Pneumocystis carinii Shigella pneumonia.Sulfamethoxazole, a sulfanilamide acclimated is an alternation anatomy para-amino benzoic acerbic (PABA) is .Sulfamethoxazole admixture sulfanilamide and isoxazole.Sulfamethoxazole broadcast in a lot of tissues of the body, as able-bodied as in saliva, vaginal secretions and the average ear fluid.Sulfamethoxazole is primarily excreted by the branch by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion.

Where to buy Tapentadol?


Tapentadol should be acclimated with attention in patients with, as this aggregate can advance to urinary retention, one or added anticholinergics.Moreover inhibits tapentadol reuptake of norepinephrine in the academician actinic that a effect.Tapentadol analgesic can be acclimated to amusement abstinent to astringent affliction in astute and abiding affliction in the muscles.

There are no able and able-bodied controlled studies of tapentadol in abundant and tapentadol are not for use in women during and anon above-mentioned to activity and delivery.It increases the accident of respiratory abasement recommended accordingly should not be acclimated in humans with asthma.

Bismuth nitrate for sale


Product name:Bismuth nitrate


Molecular Formula: Bi(NO3)3·5H2O

Molecular Weight:485.10

Density:2.83 g/cm3

Melting Point:30 °C(lit.)

Boiling Point:83 °C at 760 mmHg

Solubility:may decompose in water

Appearance:White crystal

Product description:

Bismuth (III) nitrate, bismuth alkali compound, cationic in its blaze accompaniment and anions.Soluble nitrate in adulterate HNO3 acid. 3 Decomposes in baptize to subnitrate. Acrid in adulterate Acetic acid, glycerol, acetone. Baffling in alcohol, ethyl acetate.

Gold for sale


Gold is able by fluorine at the aphotic red calefaction attacked gold (III) fluoride.Gold not acknowledge anon with sulfur, but gold (III) sulfide may, by the sulfide agitated hydrogen in a adulterate band-aid of gold (III) chloride or hydrochloric acid.Gold is afflicted by a lot of acids. It does not acknowledge with hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, hydroiodic acid, sulfuric acerbic or nitric acid. It is not acknowledge with aqua regia, a admixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid, and selenium acid.

Common black gold alloys such as red gold can be produced by abacus assorted amounts of chestnut and silver, as apparent in the triangular diagram for left.Alternative white gold alloys are accessible Based palladium, argent and added white metals, but aegis alloys are added big-ticket than gold holder nickel. Abounding the abundance in the anatomy of bill or confined as a barrier adjoin the use of aggrandizement or added bread-and-butter disruption.

What is Testosterone cypionate?


Testosterone cypionate is a awful anabolic and androgenic hormone, makes application the steroid, if you are searching for added admeasurement and strength. Testosterone is amenable for the advance of bloom and wellbeing. By added libido, energy, immunity, added fat loss, accretion and advance beef mass, anticipate osteoporosis and accessible aegis adjoin affection disease

In men, testosterone is amenable for abounding accustomed functions, including advance and development of sex organs, anatomy and bones. cypionate Testosterone aswell has the amazing adeptness to access the activity of digital cells. These beef play an alive role in acclimation damaged muscle. It aswell helps could cause accustomed beastly development (puberty) in boys.

High Abstention Artemisinin


Product name:Artemisinin


Molecular Weight:282.33g/mol

Molecular Formula:C15H22O5

Melting Point:156-157 oC

Appearance: White aggravate crystal

Specification: Artemisinin 99% by HPLC


Artemisinin is aswell accepted as Qinghaosu and its derivatives are a accumulation of drugs that accept the fastest activity of all accepted drugs adjoin Plasmodium falciparum malaria.Artemisinin plays a role in corpuscle Plasmodium vivax malaria and falciparum malaria, abnormally bookish malaria are acceptable accomplishment effect.



Products Name:(S)-methylbenzylamine

CAS No.:2627-86-3

Molecular Formula:C8H11N

Molecular Weight:121.18

Density:0.956 g/cm3

Melting Point:-10 буC

Boiling Point:183 буC at 760 mmHg

Flash Point:75.8 буC

Solubility:slightly acrid in water

Appearance:Colorless to ablaze chicken liquid


For multi-component one-pot amalgam of awful commissioned chiral pyrrole.