what is the CrudeSelenium?

CrudeSelenium is a gold and silver production process of products, gold, silver, selenium and other elements.
Element symbol: Se atomic number: 34 Atomic Weight: 78.96 Melting Point: 217 ℃ Boiling point: 684.9 ℃ Density: 4.81 g / cm 3
Low cost, easy operation, no pollution, simple and practical.
Purity: 99.6%
Color: gray and black
Applications: Selenium is widely used in semiconductor, information, chemical, metallurgy, light industry and health care fields
from:Rare Metals

Properties of Lithium hydroxide monohydrate

Name:Lithium hydroxide monohydrate
CAS: 1310-66-3
Molecular formula: LiOHH2O
Molecular weight: 41.96
Appearance:Single white inclined tiny crystallization.
Properties:The relative density effect. Melting point ℃ (471 without water content). The boiling point 925 ℃ (breakdown). Corrosive.
Uses:Organic titration. Photographic concentric. Preparation of lithium salts. Manufacturing alkyd resin. Catalysts. Alkaline batteries.
Storage:Sealing dry.
Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate is a highly water insoluble crystalline Lithium source for uses compatible with higher (basic) pH environments. Hydroxide, the OH- anion composed of an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, is commonly present in nature and is one of the most widely studied molecules in physical chemistry.
from:Rare Metals

what is the Lithium hydroxide?

Name:Lithium hydroxide
Formula: LiOH·H2O
Formula weight :41.96/23.96
Density (g/cm3) :1.51
Bulk density(kg/l) Approx :0.8
Melting point :462
Boiling point :100~110
Appearance:White crystalline powder
Uses:Preparation of alkaline batteries, lithium-based lubricating oil and other raw materials for lithium products.
Storage:Product should be stored in dry carbon dioxide-free environment. Attention to moisture.
from:Rare Metals

Application of Hydroxy-terminal polydimethylsiloxane

Hydroxy-terminal polydimethylsiloxane can keep elasticity in -60~200℃. It is widely used in the filling of building, insulation, anti-shock, waterproof and anticorrosion o electrical component, molding and releasing of rubber, the smooth agent and insulator of leather. It is the material of RTV-1, RTV-2. Moreover, it also
can be used in textile and daily chemical industry.
Packing & Storage:
200L plastic drum( net wt. 190kg/drum), 50L carton. Sealed, kept in cool and ventilating place. Far away from fire and heat. the temperature is not more than 30℃. Do not contact with air, oxidant, acid, alkali and food materials. Load gently, avoid breakage. Non-hazardous chemicals.
from:Rare Metals

Properties of metal oxide

Metal-oxide blur resistors are anchored form, axial resistors. They are fabricated of bowl rod that is coated with a attenuate blur of metal oxides, such as tin oxide. Metal oxide blur resistors accept to not be abashed with metal oxide varistors, fabricated of zinc oxide or silicon carbide.
Metal oxide blur resistors beat the achievement of metal blur and carbon blur for the afterward properties: ability rating, voltage rating, afflict capabilities, surges and top temperatures. Designers accept about the metal oxide blur resistor for top ability applications. For an overview of resistor types with their properties, attending here. Adherence backdrop are beneath acceptable than for the metal blur resistor. The metal oxide blur resistors accept poor backdrop for low ethics and tolerance. The temperature accessory is about 300 ppm/°C, which is college than for metal blur types.
The attrition actual for metal oxide resistors is tin oxide that is attenuated with antimony oxide, this is to access the resistivity. Metal oxide resistors can bear college temperatures than carbon or metal blur resistors. The babble backdrop are agnate to carbon resistors.
from:metal oxide

what is the role of magnesium?

People crop magnesium to anticipate or amusement magnesium deficiency. Magnesium absence is not aberrant in the US. It’s decidedly accepted a allotment of African Americans and the elderly.
Magnesium is aswell acclimated as a laxative for ache and for alertness of the bowel for surgical or analytic procedures. It is aswell acclimated as an acrid for acerbic indigestion.
Some humans use magnesium for diseases of the affection and claret argosy including chest pain, aberrant heartbeat, top claret pressure, top levels of “bad” cholesterol alleged low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, low levels of “good” cholesterol alleged high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, affection valve ache (mitral valve prolapse), and affection attack.
Magnesium is aswell acclimated for alleviative absorption deficit-hyperactivity ataxia (ADHD), anxiety, abiding fatigue affection (CFS), Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, leg cramps during pregnancy, diabetes, branch stones, cephalalgia headaches, anemic basic (osteoporosis), premenstrual affection (PMS), ambit sickness, urinary incontinence, alive leg syndrome, asthma, hayfever, assorted sclerosis, and for preventing audition loss.
Athletes sometimes use magnesium to access action and endurance.
Magnesium is appropriate for the able advance and aliment of bones. Magnesium is aswell appropriate for the able action of nerves, muscles, and abounding added locations of the body. In the stomach, magnesium helps abrogate abdomen acerbic and moves stools through the intestine.
from:Magnesium Metal

Copper contagion acquired abuse to health

Copper toxicity is attenuate in the accepted population. Astute Copper contagion has occurred through the contagion of beverages by accumulator in copper-containing containers, as able-bodied as from attenuated baptize supplies. Guideline ethics for Copper in bubbler baptize acquire been set by the US Ecology Protection Agency (1.3 mg/liter) and by the Apple Health Organization (2 mg/liter) . Affection of astute Copper toxicity cover belly pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; such affection advice anticipate added assimilation and assimilation of copper. Added austere signs of astute Copper toxicity cover astringent alarmist damage, branch failure, coma, and death. Of added affair from a comestible standpoint is the achievability of alarmist accident consistent from abiding acknowledgment to lower doses of copper. In about advantageous individuals, doses of up to 10,000 mcg (10 mg) circadian acquire not resulted in alarmist damage. For this reason, the US Aliment and Nutrition Board set the tolerable top assimilation akin (UL) for Copper at 10 mg/day from aliment and supplements . It should be acclaimed that individuals with abiogenetic disorders affecting Copper metabolism (e.g., Wilson’s disease, Indian adolescence cirrhosis, and idiopathic Copper toxicosis) may be at accident for adverse furnishings of abiding Copper toxicity at decidedly lower assimilation levels. There is some affair that the UL of 10 mg/day adeptness be too high. In particular, men in a analysis abstraction captivated 7.8 mg/day of Copper for 147 days. They accumulated Copper during that time, and some indices of allowed activity and antioxidant cachet appropriate that these functions were abnormally afflicted by the top intakes of Copper . However, accession abstraction did not address any adverse furnishings in individuals supplemented with 8 mg/day of Copper for six months.

from:Copper Metals

Applications of Tin

Tin is a soft, pliable, silvery-white metal. Tin is not calmly breakable and resists bane because it is adequate by an oxide film. Tin resists bane from distilled sea and bendable tap water, and can be attacked by able acids, alkalis and acerbic salts.
Tin is acclimated in for can coating: tin-plated animate containers are broadly acclimated for aliment preservation. Tin alloys are alive in abounding ways: as adhesive for abutting pipes or electric circuits, pewter, alarm metal, babbit metal and dental amalgams. The niobium-tin admixture is acclimated for superconductiong magnets, tin oxide is acclimated for ceramics and in gas sensors (as it absorbs a gas its electrical conmductivity increases and this can be monitored). Tin antithesis was already a accepted wrapping actual for foods and drugs, now replaced by the use of aluminium foil.
Tin in the environment
Tin oxide is baffling and the ore acerb resists weathering, so the bulk of tin in soils and accustomed amnion is low. The absorption in soils is about amid the ambit 1-4 ppm but some soils accept beneath that 0.1 ppm while peats can accept as abounding 300 ppm.
There are few tin-containing minerals, but alone one is of bartering acceptation and that is cassiterite. The capital mining breadth to be begin in the tin belt which goes from China through Thailand, Brima and Malaysia to the islands of Indonesia. Malaysia produces 40% of the world’s tin. Added important tin mining breadth are Bolivia and Brazil. All-around assembly is in balance of 140.000 tonnes per year and applicable affluence bulk to added 4 actor tonnes. Tin concetrates are produces in about 130.000 tonnes per year.

from:Tin Metal

Uses of tellurium

Half of the tellurium captivated anniversary year is acclimated to advance the machinability of appropriate adamant and animate products. It is adulterated with chestnut to accomplish chestnut added adaptable (that is, easier to amplitude into wires), and with advance to anticipate corrosion. These, and added nonferrous tellurium alloys, annual for about 10% of tellurium use. Tellurium is aswell acclimated to accomplish catalysts and chemicals. Some of these chemicals are acclimated in the petroleum industry and in authoritative rubber. Tellurium is added to selenium-based photoreceptors to augment the ashen ambit of copiers. Tellurium is aswell acclimated in added cyberbanking applications, and in the assembly of announcement caps for explosives.

from:Tellurium metal