Agrimony extract the sources


Source: Agrimony extract source Rosaceae agrimony the whole plant. Summer and autumn, when the foliage is not flowering, excised whole plant, except net soil, and dried.
Raw form: Perennial herb, 50 to 120 cm. Stems erect, all were white villous, sometimes scattered pubescent, upper branches. Odd pinnate, alternate, stalked: Stipules 2, obliquely ovate, with deeply lobed teeth, villous; small leaves 3 to 9, oblong or elliptic, 1-6 cm wide 0.6 to 3 cm, apex acute, the Ministry of wedge tomb, sometimes slightly oblique, margin sharply serrate, pubescent on both surfaces, with numerous yellow glands; top and middle lobe larger interspersed number of small-shaped leaves. Racemes terminal and axillary, narrow thin, 10 to 20 cm; flowers have short stems, the base has two trigeminal bracts; calyx Jane, apex 5 lobed, lobes obovate, densely covered with hooked spines; petals 5, yellow, obovate, apex emarginate; stamens 10 or more; style 2, stigma head-shaped. Achenes, wrapped in a hook in calyx. Flowering from July to September. Fruit of 9 to 10 months. Dried whole plant, woody stem base, pale brown to purple, diameter 4-6 mm, glabrous, internodes obvious, memorial under the dense, sometimes remaining stipules; upper stems greenish brown, or yellowish brown, white pilose, leaves gray-green, wrinkled curl. Occasional flowers or fruiting. Gas micro, taste slightly bitter. With purple stems, branches and tender, leaves intact preferred.
Chemical composition: containing agrimonine, Agrimony lactone (Agrimonolide), tannins (the focus of catechol tannin, gallic tannins (6.67% -13.71%)), sterols, organic acids, phenolic compounds, saponins.
More about:Agrimony Extract sales
From:Lithium carbonate