The role of Griseofulvin

Griseofulvin is white or kind of fine white powder; Odourless and slightly bitter taste. It is easily soluble in dimethylformamide, slightly soluble in anhydrous ethanol, slightly dissolve in the water. The melting point of this product melting point is 218 ~ 224 ℃. Take this product than the curl, precision said, adding dimethyl formamide solution and diluted into each 1 ml contains 10 mg solution, determined in accordance with the law, than the curl of + 352 degrees to + 367 degrees.

Griseofulvin inhibits fungal mitosis, make the mitotic spindle structure fracture, terminate the metaphase cell division. This deposit in skin and hair keratin precursor cells, can cause keratin to fungal invasion; When the infection after falling off keratin, replaced by healthy tissue. The skin tinea bacteria genera, microspore bacteria genera and MAO versicolor bacterium to cause skin fungal infections effectively, to other fungal infections including candida and bacteria is invalid.

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From:Natural herbal extracts

What is Nadroparin Calcium(Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium)?

Nadroparin calcium is by the intestines mucous membrane heparin nitrate solution polymerization preparation. Most of the ingredients in the end of the reduction has a 2 – O – thio – alpha – pyran L acid structure and reduction in their chain end has a 6 – O – thio – 2, 5 – dehydration – D – mannitol structure.

Efficacy: anticoagulant drugs, deep vein thrombosis preferred drug use.

More about:Nadroparin Calcium(Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium) Prices
From:Raw pharmaceutical materials

What is melphalan?

Melphalan mir flange, mir flange for antitumor drug, has obvious curative effect to the multiple myeloma, can also be applied to ovarian cancer.

Multiple myeloma: there are a variety of treatments, should be detailed literature, pooling of melphalan and prednisone, might be more effective than melphalan alone, often combination intermittent. While extending the advantages of continuous administration still not confirmed, but a typical dose of 0.15 mg per kilogram of body weight per day time taking a total of four days, six weeks after repeated treatment. To respond to treatment with longer periods for more than a year will not improve curative effect. Is the treatment for ovarian adenocarcinoma typical daily 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight, a total of five days, every 4 ~ 8 weeks or repeat treatment when peripheral blood image restoration; When a bone marrow toxicity should reduce the dosage. Advanced breast cancer oral melphalan daily 0.15 mg per kilogram of body weight or body surface area of 6 mg per square meter, a total of 5, each six Zhou Chongfu treatment, also can use melphalan intravenous therapy. True red blood cells increased disease induced remission, with 6 ~ 10 mg daily, a total of 5 ~ 7 days, after 2 ~ 4 mg a day until symptoms can satisfactorily control, maintenance dose may be in 2 ~ 6 mg once a week, during which must be carefully carefully for the patients with hematology control, based on blood count results, appropriate adjust the dosage. Renal dysfunction in patients with established on the basis of current pharmacokinetic data, in patients with moderate to severe renal insufficiency oral melphalan, is not absolutely recommended to reduce the dose, but starting dose need to be careful.

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From:Natural herbal extracts

Pantoprazole Sodium has what effect

Pantoprazole Sodium cell proton pump inhibitors, for the lining of the stomach is relatively stable in neutral and weak acid conditions, under the condition of strong acid activation, quickly the pH dependence of activation characteristics, make it to the effect of H + / K + atpase has better selectivity. This product can specifically inhibit the top of the wall cell membrane of secretory microtubules and intracytoplasmic tubular bubble of H + / K + atpase, cause irreversible inhibition of this enzyme, effectively inhibit the secretion of stomach acid. Because the H + / K + atpase is the last process of parietal cells secrete acid, so the product acid suppression ability strong. It not only can promote gastric juice element, histamine, noncompetitive inhibition choline caused by gastric acid secretion, and can restrain is not affected by choline or H2 receptor blocker of gastric acid secretion. Wu when using this product with other drugs, possesses the advantages of drug interaction between small. This product through the liver cells of cytochrome P450 enzyme system within the system metabolism, I also can be metabolism by II system. As with other drug metabolism wu P450 enzyme system, the product of metabolic pathways can be done by the enzyme system II, drug metabolism enzymes which are less competitive, to reduce the interaction between drug in the body. No mutagenic and carcinogenic and teratogenic effects.
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From:Natural herbal extracts

What is canagliflozin?


Canagliflozin is a biologic for the analysis of blazon 2 diabetes.It was developed by Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma and is marketed beneath authorization by Janssen, a analysis of Johnson & Johnson.Canagliflozin is an inhibitor of subtype 2 sodium-glucose carriage protein (SGLT2), which is amenable for at atomic 90% of the glucose reabsorption in the kidney. Blocking this agent causes claret glucose to be alone through the urine.

In March 2013, canagliflozin became the aboriginal SGLT2 inhibitor to be accustomed in the United States.

Side effects:Cardiovascular problems accept been acclaimed with this chic of drugs forth with canagliflozin. During one balloon with canagliflozin there was an added accident of achievement the alone MACE-plus basic of stroke, the hazard arrangement was non-significantly elevated, at 1.5 (95% CI, 0.8 – 2.6). Aswell the CANVAS trial, aswell with canagliflozin, showed some affair about cardiovascular events. Although final after-effects from the CANVAS balloon are not accepted until 2015, during the aboriginal 30 canicule afterwards randomization in CANVAS, there were 13 cardiovascular contest in the patients accepting canagliflozin (0.45%) vs 1 in patients accepting placebo (0.07%). The hazard arrangement of 6.5 was not cogent because of the baby amount of contest (95% aplomb interval, 0.85 – 49.66). Furthermore Johnson and Johnson aswell appear to investors that canagliflozin added LDL cholesterol, urinary amplitude infections, animal mycotic infections, and was associated added urination and episodes of hypotension and hypoglycemia. The aforementioned address did appearance that the biologic decreased weight by a 1.9 – 3% (using the aplomb intervals of the two studies sited) as able-bodied as decreased claret AIC by 0.57-0.70%, bargain both systolic and diastolic claret pressures and aloft HDL cholesterol.

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From:Natural herbal extracts

Sodium iodide dihydrate traits

English name: Sodium Iodide Dihydrate; CAS: 13517-6-1; molecular formula: NaI • 2 h2o; molecular weight: 185.92

Properties: white crystalline or particles. Odourless. Taste salty, and bitter. Deliquescence. In the air and water solution of iodine and precipitation gradually turn yellow or brown. 1 g product soluble in 0.5 ml water, about 2 ml of ethanol, 1 ml glycerin, soluble in acetone. Relative density 2.448. Heated to a temperature of 64.3 ℃ the crystallization of the water soluble in itself. Stimulating.

Use: the determination of trace caesium, platinum and thallium, etc. Iodine cosolvent. A photograph.
More about:Sodium iodide dihydrate manufacturer
From:Natural herbal extracts

Introduction of Lithium carbonate

Lithium carbonate is an asleep compound, the lithium alkali of carbonate with the blueprint Li2CO3. This white alkali is broadly acclimated in the processing of metal oxides and has accustomed absorption for the analysis for berserk and bipolar disorder. It exists as the attenuate mineral zabuyelite.

Properties:Like accompanying lithium salts, Li2CO3 is an ionic compound. Its solubility in baptize is low about to added lithium salts. The abreast of lithium from aqueous extracts of lithium ores capitalizes on this poor solubility. Its credible solubility increases tenfold beneath a balmy burden of carbon dioxide; this aftereffect is due to the accumulation of the metastable bicarbonate:Li2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2 LiHCO3

The abstraction of lithium carbonate at top pressures of CO2 and its precipitation aloft depressuring is the base of the Quebec process. Approximately 30,000 bags were produced in 1989. Lithium carbonate, and added carbonates of Group 1, do not decompose readily, clashing added carbonates. Li2CO3 decomposes at temperatures >1300 °C.
More about:Lithium carbonate manufacturers
From:Metal oxide materials